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New Reiki Training Dates For 2018

Last weekend, I taught a Level 2 Reiki training, and my goodness, was it ever wonderful. Lots of laughs, tears, and epiphanies; not only for my beautiful students, but for me too. I've found myself reflecting on the unfolding of that training throughout this week, and this quote by Yogi Bhajan comes to mind: "If you want to learn something, read about it. If you want to understand something, write about it. If you want to master something, teach it." I really feel like that's what happens for me when I facilitate a Reiki training; I get to uncover new levels of understanding each time. It's such a magical process. So, on the heels of that wonderful experience, I'm happy to share that I have the next Level 1, 2 and Master dates all set to go for 2018! I will be opening up two spaces in each course for audits, so if you have taken Reiki with me before and would like a refresher, or would like to explore the new material we are getting into these days, I would love to have you back in class! I'm really looking forward to welcoming all you lovely souls into the next round of Reiki trainings. ♡

Reiki Level 1 Level 1 is focused upon self-healing. You will learn the basics of Reiki as well as discover how to incorporate Reiki into your daily life, how to find emotional balance and live a life of greater ease and joy! Becoming a Reiki practitioner can help heal your mind and body and open you up to your psychic and intuitive abilities. Date: February 24-25th 2018 Time: 11am-5pm Location: Calgary, Alberta (residential address will be given to students once they are registered) Investment: $245

In Level 1 we will explore:

- The history of Usui Reiki. - The chakras and energetic bodies. - How to tap into your intuitive abilities. - The Law of Attraction and how it relates to Reiki. - Meditation and how to establish a consistent personal practice. - How to protect and preserve your energy levels. - The role of crystals in Reiki and how to work with them in your personal practice. - How to use the power of Reiki to manifest your dreams. - Self-Reiki and offering Reiki to your personal items, crystals, plants and animals.

Reiki Level 2 In Level 2, you deepen your relationship with Reiki. You will receive symbols to empower your Reiki practice, develop a more profound ability to offer mental and emotional healing, and you’ll also have the ability to do distance Reiki sessions. In this level, you will develop a more fuller understanding of how to live your life in tune with Spirit. You will also have the ability to offer client sessions and give Reiki to your family and friends. Date: April 7-8th, 2018 Time: 11am-5pm Location: Calgary, Alberta (residential address will be given to students once they are registered) Investment: $245

In Level 2 we will explore:

- Sacred symbols to deepen and increase your access to Reiki. - How to work with crystals in client sessions and incorporate other healing modalities into your practice. - How to deepen your ability to create a life of abundance and joy. - The role of business in Reiki and how to create a thriving Reiki practice. - How to work with your spirit animals. - Practice sessions: group healings as a receiver and as a healer. - How to incorporate higher vibrational levels of Reiki into your daily life.

Reiki Master Becoming a Reiki Master helps you to understand your reason for being and attunes you to the depth of who you really are. It will offer you a deep connection to the practice of Reiki and help you commit to your own personal path of spiritual growth. The Master Path is also known as the Teacher's Path. Those who complete their Reiki Master training have the option to teach Reiki courses in the Usui tradition. However, there is no requirement to teach Reiki once you have received your Master level. Many people come to Reiki Master courses for the sole purpose of receiving the attunement. Dates: May 26-27th, June 1st-2nd, 2018 Time: 1pm-6pm Location: Calgary, Alberta (residential address will be given to students once they are registered.) Investment: $395

In Reiki Master we will explore:

- How to deeply connect with your angels, guides and the Universe. - What your personal spiritual path means to you and how to live your truth on a daily basis. - How to understand your emotions fully and how this helps you become the Masterful Creator of your life experience. - Sacred symbols to access the full power of Reiki. - Practice sessions: group healings as a receiver and as a healer. - How to teach a Reiki course and find your voice as a teacher. - Giving attunements for Level 1, Level 2 and Reiki Master. - How your client sessions will shift and how to offer a deeper Reiki experience to those who come to you for healing.

For more information about these trainings, please feel free to head over to the website here. When you're ready to register, send me an email at! ♡

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